If Not A Beautiful Illusion


We are a media production house based in Mumbai, driven by newness and catering to the ever-changing taste of the audience. 

Illusionist films is known for its inventive storytelling, nuanced direction and exemplary execution. We design and bring to life stories that evoke emotion and catch the eye. In simpler words, we spin our wand to create magic! 


Executive Producer

Pooja Agnihotri

Pooja Agnihotri is the maestro behind the magic of Illusionist films. The company is led by her vision and acumen. With more than a decade of experience in creating memorable campaigns, she has an intimate understanding of the business as well as film making. Pooja is a one woman army who almost thrives on challenges. She is fierce and calm at the same time. A sharp shooter any team needs in their arsenal, better yet this one leads the pack.


Siddharth Agnihotri

An eye for precision, the other for grandeur, Siddharth’s cinematic sensibility is of a chef adding textures of emotions like flavours to food. It is not just the story but the way you tell it, is what he stands clear on. Starting his career, at the age of 17, it’s been a long journey of hundreds of films and projects that Siddharth has been an active part of. The leadership skills, the finesse and the thorough professionalism on set, or off it, shows the composure Sid holds along with the fanaticism he possesses for the word, cinema. If there is one quirk he holds by, it’s that he loves to be around happy people, making sure his team is laughing while they work, even if the call time is as early as 4 am.

